Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ice-Cream Float Experiment

At the end of the school year I love to do experiments with my kiddos since we're trapped in our classrooms for state-tests happening in the building and we're finished the main curriculum and ready for review. I created this Ice Cream Float Experiment to do that takes just a little prep but involves a lot of fun while we review Scientific Investigation. It also happened to be one of my students' birthday, so his mom volunteered to bring in the materials! #iheartnoprepexperiments 

Each student was given a small cup with a bit of vanilla ice cream scooped into each one, and we poured 3 beverages (coke, orange soda, and lemonade) to determine which creates the most foam. As it turns out, the coke and orange tied #blamecarbonation so next time I'll likely use coke, tea, and lemonade. 

After they finished filling out the chart (they had to record the data, of course!) they had a bonus question (does anyone else's kids LOVE the bonus box on worksheets?!?) where they solved a less-scientific question: which one tastes best! My students loved this activity and it was a perfect Friday afternoon something-to-do. 

You can download the experiment sheet for your own kiddos at my TpT site for free! 


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