Saturday, December 30, 2017


Our district went to school through December 22, so we were desperate for fun and engaging activities to keep our kiddos occupied this week. One lesson I did was on Elf Day. (By assigning a Christmas symbol to each day it narrowed down the crazy a teensy bit, I think). We read Elf Memoirs by Devin Scillian and Elf Elementary by Edward Miller. We talked about some of the Christmas traditions mentioned in the book and I led them to a discussion about Christmas cards. ("It's sooo boring when we have to get our picture taken for our card.") Then each kiddo got to choose a card and someone in their life they'd like to send it to. We then used our sight words to write a sentence in the card, and signed our name using our best handwriting. One of my lovelies wrote her card for me! 

PS- We also made Elf Selfies to go with the new book, The Christmas Selfie Contest by Rosie Greening!


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